Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Butterflies are evil
Butterflies are bad

They pollinate your flowers
They swoop down at your head

They are too many colors
They're way to fragile too

I wish they'd all just fly away
I don't know what to do

My sister says I'm silly
My brother says I'm chicken

But if asked to name a scary bug
It's butterflies I'm pickin'


Boogers can be roundish
They can be more plate-like too.

If you are real nice to me
I may pick you one or two.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Ball bounce
Ball fly
Ball land
Ball roll
Dog fetch
Ball gross

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sharp "E"

I'm dreaming
I'm sketching
I'm drawing for fun

I'm a flower
A rhino
A giraffe on the run

I'm a black line on paper
A squiggle on screen

I am things that aren't real 
I am things that are seen

I'm at peace when I draw
I'm at peace when I write

I am happiest with pen in hand 
My imagination takes flight

Water Works

I'm wetting
I'm soaping
I'm rubbing the hood
I scrub
I polish
I rinse it real well
I'm drying with towels
I'm throwing out trash
I'm vacuuming carpet
I am satisfied
I am driving away

The Chase

A ball
A firefly
A tiny little frog

A bad guy
A plane flight
A run-a-way dog

An AMTRAK to Boston
A movie uptown

The sunrise in morning
The sun going down

No matter the purpose
It's best when you match

The thrill of the chase
With success in the catch

Tuesday, May 08, 2012


Today held the moment Maurice walked away
striding off cross a far distant knoll

Where is it that he's going we can only suppose
is a forest a closet or hole

He changed everyone of us before he departed
set our thoughts free to roam near and far

We sit filled with joy for we all are assured
Max still knows where the wild things are

Lucky Outdoor Learning Center

If you're lucky, you might see
an animal in the OLC

Perhaps a songbird, perhaps a duck
if you're lucky a toddler with a fire truck

They come with mom most usually
when she comes to cleanup the OLC

Chipmunks also play around
the waterfall and grassy ground

And if you're real lucky you may be
outside yourself in the OLC


up on the ceiling
I play with you every night

not at all a piñata
I won't hit you, well maybe I might.

Thursday, May 03, 2012

On Rye

Crunchy celery
A little bit of pickle
Tangy slivers of red onion
A little mayo
Mix well
On rye toast
My favorite

Spring: a three acrostic...well....acrostic

We were discussing acrostic poems in class today which lead to three using the word "SPRING".

Summer is closer
Pollen in abundance
Rainy more than clear
Inchworms now, butterflies later
No-see-ums make up for the lost time of winter
Great expectations of the summer ahead



Pencil, Pencil

Pencil, Pencil
pointy thing
through you to paper
my thoughts do sing

Pencil, Pencil
is it wrong
the more I write
the faster you're gone?

Patchwork Day

Tiny green rectangles
no blue
no yellow no red
It was a great day

Indoor Stars

Above me squares with many holes
can steal my concentration
as I look, holes turn to stars
and I look for constellations

Pointy Thing

Holding tight to counter's top
a side of holes but it won't stop
with one bent arm that goes around
and spiral teeth where wood is ground

Wednesday, May 02, 2012


whip-or-will, whip-or-will 
whoo-wee-whoo, whoo whoo, whoo whoo 
Oooo-Eeee-aaaaa, aaaa, aaaa 
Aww, aww aww 

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Sad Berries

A wave of sadness
Berries for a sweet warm pie
My bright lights are on
A great heron stands near shore
A Jersey Giant's jersey

A Boy's Coral

Boys call it salmon or coral when they wear it
Girls call it by name
A MaryK Cadillac
My white t-shirt after my red one bleeds in the wash
Neither a red nor white rose but part of both

Sleepy Sun

Fire against a blue sky
A Navel or Valencia squeezed to juice
My favorite marigold
Halloween's second favorite
The sky as sun prepares to sleep.