Saturday, June 08, 2013


On the tree, dead Poison Ivy leaves reveal a vine that was missed

Toes Outstretched

Morning sun catches slick legs, toes outstretched, frozen in warmth near surface


Post deluge, slick hoppers lay suspended, savoring fresh water

Friday, May 31, 2013

Busy Bees

This lunchroom's like a beehive
with a billion bees in flight.
The only time it's quiet
is when they all go home at night.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Why Write Me A Rainbow?

Write me a rainbow
Like a cloudless summer sky where the red cardinal plays
Like the stains on my blue sneakers after cutting a wet lawn
Like the daffodil that was but as spring progresses is only green
Like a sign sitting on yellow dandelions at the side of the road proclaiming "Men Working!"
Like the fire engine glistening in the same sun which makes the orange fur of the fox glow.
Write me a rainbow

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

As [blank] As

The students in the classroom where I work are doing comparative poems
are working harder than army ants dragging an elephant back to the bivouac.

They are having more difficulty making comparisons
than a color blind quality control manager at a crayon factory.

I have confidence that they will get it
in fact
I have more confidence that they will get the job done
than a mother crocodile watching her year old babies enter a chicken coup.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Poemasabi Talks About Haiku Again

In the ShowMe I talk about Late Spring, I meant early spring. My apologies.


Tremble Little Polliwog

Tremble little polliwog
the pond's Great Bass is nigh
and if he should to catch you up
you certainly will die

But wait, ahead some reeds so stiff
that should you wriggle in
could be as strong as prison bars
and protect from tooth and fin.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Gluttonous Grass

Cool rain falls on warm lawns, gluttonous grass drinks deep, becomes tall and fat

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Problem

In a second grade classroom
a tiny ant with a treasure thinks only of taking it to his colony.
A big hero he will be.
So he drags a piece of popcorn much bigger than he.

he drags
and pulls
and tugs

On a second grade classroom floor,
the ant's work is hard but will be worth it.
A big hero he will be.
So he drags a piece of popcorn much bigger than he.

he drags
and pulls
and tugs

On a second grade classroom rug,
the ant's task seems insurmountable but he knows of no other way.
So for an hour, he retraces his path backwards dragging a piece of popcorn
across the classroom rug.

He drags
and tugs
and pulls

In the open of a second grade classroom,
the ant feels exposed on the carpet but cover is closer now, he can feel it.
It's just there, where the wall meets the carpet.
A space just big enough to hide an ant.

Closer and closer.

He tugs and pulls and drags his prize closer still
Pulling and dragging the popcorn lurches across the carpet.

His rear legs reach cover
Then his thorax, his abdomen, his head with antennae and mandibles


The Problem.


In a second grade classroom
a line of popcorn rests
where the carpet meets the wall.

Blaze (Naani)

The service dog sees
that among the children,
his veteran is safe
but still, he watches

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Dusk Song (Sijo)

Hard to know the number of "friends" that live out past where lawn meets wet
Their dusk song speaks of a throng that participates post sunset
Slick wet sopranos sing a stream with sudden baritone splashes

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Indifferent Crocus

The last snow grabs at new green shoots, indifferent crocus awaken