Friday, May 31, 2013

Busy Bees

This lunchroom's like a beehive
with a billion bees in flight.
The only time it's quiet
is when they all go home at night.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Why Write Me A Rainbow?

Write me a rainbow
Like a cloudless summer sky where the red cardinal plays
Like the stains on my blue sneakers after cutting a wet lawn
Like the daffodil that was but as spring progresses is only green
Like a sign sitting on yellow dandelions at the side of the road proclaiming "Men Working!"
Like the fire engine glistening in the same sun which makes the orange fur of the fox glow.
Write me a rainbow

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

As [blank] As

The students in the classroom where I work are doing comparative poems
are working harder than army ants dragging an elephant back to the bivouac.

They are having more difficulty making comparisons
than a color blind quality control manager at a crayon factory.

I have confidence that they will get it
in fact
I have more confidence that they will get the job done
than a mother crocodile watching her year old babies enter a chicken coup.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Poemasabi Talks About Haiku Again

In the ShowMe I talk about Late Spring, I meant early spring. My apologies.


Tremble Little Polliwog

Tremble little polliwog
the pond's Great Bass is nigh
and if he should to catch you up
you certainly will die

But wait, ahead some reeds so stiff
that should you wriggle in
could be as strong as prison bars
and protect from tooth and fin.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Gluttonous Grass

Cool rain falls on warm lawns, gluttonous grass drinks deep, becomes tall and fat