Wednesday, February 15, 2017

2nd Grade Morning Meeting

The crowd gathers
wiggles and talking commence
but in this
before morning meeting
A single

Sunday, February 12, 2017

It Snowed

I was supposed to have auditions tonight
for a musical I am directing
but it snowed
the show is at the theater where I met my wife
that was in 1991
we were in a play together
I was 31 she was not
We both played witnesses
for the prosecution
It snowed then too but not at auditions

She was the President of the theater at the time
and they needed another body onstage
she doesn't like "onstage"
She prefers to be dressed in black
in the dark
with a notebook
and headset
She's doing that for this show too

I've been onstage
I've sprung from a jack-in-the-box
been an aide to the Emperor of Japan
I've yelled at Stella
and hit a priest over the head
with a poker
I've been in a hospital in Burma
During World War Two
but now I prefer to direct
from behind a table
I have a big notebook too
I used to have pads, pencils and snacks
all over the table
but now
it's mainly computers, iPhones and tablets
and snacks

The first time I was onstage
and when I first fell in love with theater
was when I was in fifth grade
my teacher was into theater
and I didn't know it then
but the theater she was "really into"
was the one where I met my wife
the one where I was supposed to have auditions tonight
for a play I'm directing
but it snowed.

Saturday, February 11, 2017


thinking big
too big to sleep
yet in sleep I free my mind to wander


don’t fix it
it’ll probably be ok
someone else’s problem anyway
regular maintenance is expensive
everyone needs to share the burden
people want lower taxes
always test before using
it might not hold
repay the past by maintaining their work

Friday, February 10, 2017

Poemasabi Explains Dodoitsu (at least he wrote a couple first this time)

Another Blow

fun if
you have a
place that's warm inside
where you can sit, dry off, stay warm
if you don't have such a place, snow is yet more hardship

Factual Comb-Over

and solid
our planet in round
is one terrific example
a belief in an orange-faced comb-over won't change them

Never Lost

All is never truly lost.
No matter how bleak it looks;
how deeply empty you feel;
around you is light...

Thursday, February 09, 2017

Silent Blue Bird

A little blue bird
ceases signing in all caps
POTUS lost his phone

Here as a #MemePoem.

One Snowflake

Rage (Fib Poem)

a form
of blindness
of discarding ones
morals, needs and self interest
replaced with hatred and selective deafness of facts

Monday, February 06, 2017

The Man Says Sleet (Nonet)

The man says morning ice, sleet and rain
Then the man says maybe no ice
Next he says sleet, not so much
Day will be warmer too
and no rain either
I think I'll go
to the beach

Poemasabi Explains the Lune Form (Complete with Steam Radiator Noises)

Sunday, February 05, 2017

Fish (Hay[na]ku)

ate fish
eaten by fish

Tooth Chest (Kelly Lune)

Tiny plastic chest
holds a pearl
for under pillow

Tooth Chest (Collom Lune)

Little plastic chest
holds a tiny misshapen pearl
placed under pillow

Winter Bird (Luc Bat)

Summer's lake now solid and cold
June's leaves now old and dry
As gray streams pass through frigid sky
Birds should fly for tropics
here in wind hold tight to their sticks
but birdy's trick can pay
with sun on wing that first spring day

Rain (Concrete)

of the sudden
   splash            stop at the           splatter 
sploosh           end             scatter
puddles on asphalt

Winter's Phil

Winter's end foretold
by two peculiar items
Woodchuck and Football