Saturday, August 13, 2011

Something More

Blackness follows soon
That a light comes is my hope
Something more than black

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Journey

I know where it is that I am going
I know that this journey will end at that destination
I don't know when I am supposed to arrive there
I hope that the end of this journey is the beginning of a new one
I do believe that it is


Since there is no set arrival time
I am free to pause along the roadside
To stray along a different path
To smell summer in the wind
To putter with things that need puttering
To talk to friends that need to be talked to
To scribble a note
To place a name on an old photograph
To laugh
To cry
To embrace the world around me
To be embraced by it

It is
After all
My journey

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Far Away Eyes

bundled in blankets
introspective, quiet with far away eyes
mother awaits
the verdict


white, taught
snapping, flapping, filling
full, stretched, tagged, priced
saving, spending, shopping
crowded, purchased

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mrs. Keeping's non-Rhyming Poems

A good friend of mine, Diane Keeping, has been causing laughter for decades with her non-rhyming ryhming poems. Here is an example.

Hi boys and girls I'm Mr. Skip
During the summer I'm taking a car ride

I'll be traveling with my wife and my daughter
Looking for a place on a beach near the ocean

I love the beach and playing in the sun
Splashing in the waves it's just a lot of joy

Well vacation is over and it was really cool.
Summer's over and I have to go back to learning.

Write a poem with the words orange and silver next time.
Then you'll see how hard it is to rhyme.

Diane Keeping

Monday, May 23, 2011

First Grade Watch

My watch is a distraction
It keeps me from my work
Even when I concentrate
It make my eyeballs jerk

My watch yanks them from my paper
It drags them to my wrist
It makes them go around and 'round
As its big and small hands twist

My watch causes so much trouble
It's creating mental grief
It steals away my thinking time
It's a concentration thief


Platypus, oh Platypus
Your nose belongs an ducks

Platypus, oh Platypus
In an egg your baby tucks

Platypus, oh Platypus
You are covered up with hair

Platypus, oh Platypus
Webbed feet? How'd they get there?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Misty Wait

Misty dark driveway
Small droplets obscure vision
Waiting for my child

Posted with BloghuB for Windows Phone 7

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Wise Bristle-cone pine
Rings nearly five thousand years
A seed before Rome

Five Colors

Blushing cheeks
A corner stop sign
A new Ferrari Five nine nine
It's a cherry on top of my sundae
Brake lights

Morning juice
the sister of red
and the little brother of yellow
my pebbly rough textured but brand new basketball
bagged fish

Dotted bikini
It's a perfect banana
See the bright new school bus
The middle bright spot in a traffic light
Cartoon sponge

Young Hosta
grass stains on knees
why is it the jealous face
An old John Deere in my farm field
Hosta stalks

Picasso color
Kentucky grass for horses
Sea splashes against a cloudless sky
A field on which fifty bright stars lay
Primary paint

New Ferrari
My brand new basketball
Cartoon sponge on a school bus
A grass stained jealous old John Deere tractor
Picasso primary

A Rainbow

Wire Teeth

Swinging arm
and wire teeth
chomps down
and looses teeth beneath

or a variation

Swinging arm
and wire teeth
chomps down
and bends its teeth beneath

Friday, May 13, 2011

Busy Bee, a shape poem

I have been working on this for a couple of days. It has provided me with an opportunity to demonstrate the creative process with some of the kids at the school where I work, there were at least six versions before this.

UPDATE: I can see from the statistics for Poemasabi, that this has become the most popular poems on the site. Please, leave a comment. I would love to know how you are using it and what your thoughts on it are. Feel free to use it as an example when teaching. Skip (aka: Poemasabi)

Busy Bee. May, 2011

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


is the brother of Yellow and sister of Green
and as such it sits there somewhere in between

not as established as Green nor as flighty as Yellow
he's a warmer, inviting and harbinger fellow

he's new grass in a meadow in earliest May
and the color of some golfer's pants when they play

she's warm spring days and not as cool nights
and the underneath leaves that evening sun lights

she's the light color on the light side of a lime
and hats at a wedding at least some of the time

Monday, May 09, 2011

Pirates II

Fearless Greedy
profiteering thieving
Having not a moral compass


Shiver me timbers
call old pirates while boarding
or young ones playing

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Saturday, May 07, 2011

A bud's life

A bud's life is short
yet gives way to a wonder
as flower unfolds

And now...
The same haiku turned into a Shape poem using Prezi.


to see a
good talk

Cinquain Letters

A student in the school where I work wanted to write a poem. Since we are working on poetry, not a bad thing. We talked about Haiku, Tanka, Acrostic, rhyming and the various forms of Cinquain (the word count form; the noun,adj x 2, ing words x 3, phrase, noun tied somehow to the first one form and the syllable count form) we decided that we could try a new form. That is letter count. What we decided was 2,4,6,8,2.

Here is his poem.

drive a

Thursday, April 28, 2011

What If?

What if dolphins were scary and white sharks were cuddly?
What if pizza was gross and fried liver was yummy?
What if school were a blast and recess was boring?
What if daddy was silent and the bunny was snoring?
What if water was sticky and not sticky was glue?
What if we were apart? I'd remain close to you.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Daly Screams

If I were a fittle lish
I'd dim and dim all sway
I'd sask near the burface
and sase chalemanders
But eat horms off a wook?
there's wo nay.

Chipper 2

Chipper is a dilly sog
Who cases little chows
He funs them up and down the rield
He duns them up and rown
I tell him rat it isn't thight
He's off in beaps and lounds
He'll cheep on kasing little cows
'Till the cig bows come around

Monday, April 18, 2011


Rolling sea foam green
turning instantly to white
when they meet shore rocks

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Not typing
Speaking your own thoughts
Directly from brain to the machine

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Found Poem from SMARTBOARD Acrostic below

spectacular things
happen when
student thinking
engaged By an
enthusiastic teacher

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Super input
Machine really.
Although it's cool
Really spectacular things happen when it's
Taught smart things
By an enthusiastic teacher
Or other creative educator
And or engaged student
Revolutionary thinking


as smart
as the person
who writes on it.


Fun under sun in the water, not sand
In the water is best, in it my life is grand
Super fast lightning through water by you
Ha ha laughs the tuna, it's just what I do.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Spring Moss

Cold, hard granite place
little sun even at noon
yet still, green is green
waiting for the warmth that comes
lifeless leaf gives shelter still


green, young
waiting to bust out
to explode in bright vibrant color
to become the harbinger of warm summer fun.


where wild things are
dust, sun, wind, snow and rain
dare I play where bugs crawl and fly
I do


straight, quiet
focusing, thinking, walking
always a thought before action

Cinquain Words

then two
and then three
next is four, then


Came from Japanese
syllables five, seven, five
are used for each line


strange poem
a weird format
per line word counts